

  • The Beauty of a Witch

    The Beauty of a Witch

    When you think of the word “witch”, what do you think of? Pointy black hats and broomsticks? Wicca? Cauldrons and spells? Something else?

    For me and others like me, being a witch (or a Hedgewitch in my case), is simply about a reverence for nature, an understanding that we are all God’s (or Goddesses’) creatures, and a recognition of the magickal essence that runs through us and around us all the time.

    A hedgewitch (or natural born witch) is not necessarily someone who studies Wicca or witchcraft, but rather who is very intuitive and can see/hear non-physical energies and realms. She (or he) might also have a natural green thumb in the garden too, which makes spiritual sense since magick is often linked to the realm of nature spirits, faeries, dragon wisdom, and healing.

    “And harm to none” is a holy vow that all witches ought know better than to cross. Attempting to interfere in anyone’s free-will is a big no-no and can come with lifetimes of consequences that become less and less enchanting over time. (But that’s another story for another day.)

    For me, my craft is about compassion, wholeness (yes, embracing your shadow!) and healing. It’s about fostering self-love and good stewardship. It’s about helping others and living an example of a healthy, balanced life to the best of my ability.

    We all have access to power that we wield everyday in a variety of shapes and forms–from family time and work to spirituality and hobbies. In every moment, we are choosing how we show up in our world; how we will use our gifts and talents; and for some, how we will manage our vices.

    I choose Good.

  • Yes, It can be that easy!

    Yes, It can be that easy!

    Your software malfunctions and you don’t know how to fix it. Do you suffer through and work around it? Or bite the bullet and call the manufacturer support desk?

    Hopefully, neither!

    If either “suffering through” or “biting the bullet” and calling the manufacturer seem like viable options, you could be making life more difficult than it needs to be, simply by the way you are thinking.

    Many times when I owned my computer repair business, I would go onsite to meet a completely frustrated client who was angry at their technology. However, when I arrived to happily investigate the issue, it was not present.

    Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.

    Sometimes, their issues were simply user-error, but the clients were so upset they couldn’t slow down enough to read the error message(s) that told them how to get what they wanted. Too often, we go through life in the same manner.

    When we act from a place of emotional balance, we can be open to all of our options and will often find quick, peaceful solutions. When we don’t, we suffer.

    A great example of this is, over the last three days, I spent time trying three different versions of music notation software for my new laptop. None of them were a good fit for different reasons. I felt stuck. I was going to have to buy an expensive program that I really didn’t need because there was no upgrade path for my current product. (To put this in context, I had already dealt with this exact situation several years ago, and was forced to pay money to downgrade my product at that time in order to “get current” for collaboration purposes.)

    With those thoughts in mind as I made my decision on what to do next, I could have: 1) given up and paid too much for something I didn’t want, 2) installed my old software which didn’t have the nice feature updates and crashes with newer versions of windows, or 3) called the company, guns blazing, because they keep discontinuing my products and not having current versions available for upgrade.

    Instead, I chose to simply put a smile on my face and call to ask what other options were available. Did they have an upgrade path I was unaware of that would meet my needs?

    In fact, they did!

    I spent 10 minutes on the phone with a wonderful sales rep who was able to answer all of my questions, find my lost account with my old product registrations, and merge that information into my new account–entitling me to a significant discount on the upgrade I needed.  Now, I have all of my product registrations and updated information in one place and a brand new 2014 version of their best product, which I was able to purchase at a terrific price!

    Because of my positive attitude, emotional balance, and openness to unseen possibilities, I was able to be greeted by a kind, helpful customer service rep, have a short, pleasant conversation that answered all of my questions, and find a terrific solution to my situation!

    You may not always be placed in situations or with people that make you happy or comfortable. But in truth, you’re responsible for your own happiness. By employing a positive, emotionally balanced attitude and outlook, and expecting to be able to find a solution to whatever challenge you are facing, you’ll be much better able to handle whoever you have to deal with and whatever you have to do. Additional options will become available because you can think with a clear and open mind and you will resolve your challenges more quickly and peaceably.

    The moral to the story…  Success is in large part based on your ability to stay in equanimity and out of the drama. Try it.

    Open your heart. Open your mind. Smile. And go get ’em!

  • Lemons to Lemonade

    Lemons to Lemonade

    It’s easy to follow our dreams when everything is going well and we have plenty of financial resources and support from our families, friends and communities. But sometimes, life will throw us a real hook, changing things up and making the safe way of living we’ve become accustomed to no longer easily available. When this happens, most people find themselves stressed, worrying and in a state of decline. But consider this: what if suddenly changing circumstances are the universe’s way of creating the space and time for us to do what we really love and have been wanting?

    Often adversity is the exact thing that brings out our greatness, our love of life and our ability to see opportunities we previously didn’t recognize when gazing through a lens of obligation and responsibility. However, when that lens radically shifts due to illness, loss of a job, loss of a significant person in our lives or other major changes to our current living situation, we can be “freed up” to see a more accurate view of what is truly necessary and important to us. When we allow this shift in perspective, we find opportunity to step out into new realms of experience and new ways of being.

    So whatever challenges you face, choose to embrace them as a gift. Set your intention to use that challenge to see a new and higher Truth that will free you from limited thinking, old wounds and resentments, and negativity. With a perspective of trusting in the process–knowing that all things are working together for your good and all you have to do is seek the gift–you will find room to make lemons into lemonade.

    Discipline yourself to let go of the should’s and have to’s that control you. And instead, focus on, “What would I love?” You might be surprised where it takes you.

    Image provided by © Adekvat | Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos

  • Forgiveness Mantra

    Lee Harris offers a forgiveness mantra that can be used every day to free up more and more of your energy.

    This isn’t about making unhealthy situations and actions OK. It’s about letting go of the stuck energy and pain around those situations so that you can step more fully into wholeness and vibrancy. The cleaner and healthier you become energetically, the more you will blossom.

    At first, as you let go of some of the pain of your past, you may experience additional items springing up to your awareness that also need to be cleared. But over time you will start to clear away the wreckage. You will feel better and think more clearly. You will have more energy and your intuitiveness and clarity will increase.

    A simple way top begin this process is simply to repeat the following forgiveness mantra daily. As you do the exercise, do your best to open your heart. Allow yourself to fully feel and mean every word you say.

    I forgive myself, for everything.
    I forgive everyone, for everything.
    I forgive my life, for everything.
    I forgive my fear, for everything.
    I forgive my judgement, for everything.
    I forgive those who judged me.
    I forgive those who feared me.
    I forgive myself for love not yet given to myself.
    I love myself.
    I am free.
    I am free to be fully me.

    ~Lee Harris